Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stem Cell Snake Oil

So the article I wrote about yesterday wasn't visible to most people at the link provided. I tried a number of solutions, but nothing seemed to work well and then it finally occurred to me this morning--just post the article in another blog post! Okay, so there are moments when dense-ness settles into my brain. So here is the article written by a woman who got caught up in a stem cell scam. For those of you who are youngsters and don't understand the reference to "snake oil" that is what they used to sell to unsuspecting people many moons ago--even before my mom was born and that's a whole lot of moons! 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Just Keep On Keeping on!


'via Blog this'
I have no idea if this article I just read on my TC Disease Awareness group will post. It is about a woman who had a very bad accident and spinal injury. They were able to repair much of the damage and she had 10 more years of an active life and embraced those years. Then the neurological pain came back and there was nothing to be done, so she resorted to one of the many scams about stem cell treatment.

After reading the article these are some of my rambling thoughts.