Saturday, May 1, 2010

Each year I sit down and look at my life and celebrate. I review and see if there are things I would change about my life. I’m a huge believer in change. I may not be able to change how I look or change where I live or change what I have experienced over the last 53 years, yet all those things are part and parcel of who I Am. I don’t have much control over physical stuff and sometimes you live in a particular place because it is the best option available at the moment, and what you have experienced is done and in past.

What I can change is how I feel about my experiences, or my physical body, or my neighborhood. I have control over my perceptions. My teacher always said—change yourself on the inside and the outside will change to accommodate you. In all the years since I began to understand what she said and practice the philosophy, I haven’t found her wrong. I say it a bit differently and I stole it from Dr. Phil (I hear the groans…)

Bloom where you’re planted.

Every year I come up with the same answer to my question “are there things I would change about my life”. The answer is no. What I have experienced has lead me to this place in time, and I would not miss this moment for anything.


  1. "When you change the way you look at things, the thinks you look at change." Wayne Dyer.

    Brilliant minds, right? :)

  2. Change? Looks like we both agree that change is a good thing!! One of my favorite sayings: (Author Unknown)

    "The only constant in change."

    LOVE that and love your awesome writing!!!

    Gentle Hugs----<3

