Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I wish all the people who are searching, questioning, wandering in the haze of depression could be here with me today. They are painting our complex. We live in a big complex--500+ apartments. Mostly three stories with some places that have four stories. 

I just finished a conversation with someone that touched on living in the moment. Finding the joy in what is before you and stopping the wish that things were different. Focus on the moment. This is a difficult mind set to attain. I should know because I've been working on it for most of my life.

We also talked about people who go to jobs like deli counter jobs, cashiers in grocery stores...you know, support jobs. How do they find joy in those jobs? 

So here I sit watching these laborers. They aren't doing a job I would like. They are climbing up and down ladders, taping windows and doors. Hauling smaller ladders up the larger ladder, climbing back down to grab heavy buckets only to climb back up again. I get tired just watching them!

And then I hear singing. One of the workers is singing some little ditty in Spanish. I have no idea what the song is. He is singing and moving his ladder by bouncing it sideways while he stands on it taping a second story window. Before I know it, I'm smiling and humming along with him. His joy is contagious.

I can only assume (because I can't go out and interview him) that he is taking joy in the moment--what ever that moment brings.

Put simply--he blooms where he is planted. He finds joy in the moment and has put aside the day-in, day-out drudgery.

Sing while you go about your tasks and one day, if you keep at it, you will find the sun shining even if the sky is overcast.


  1. Beautiful my friend!

    Funny that you wrote: Bloom where you are.....for when I moved to Taiwan, the first book I was given there, had a quote inside: Bloom where you are, planted or transplanted. :). Always loved that and certainly tried to live by it.
    Hope your pain levels are tolerable, and you continue on the positive road that you have found.
    Take care T!

  2. I watched a lot of Dr. Phil years ago and he always was saying "bloom where you are planted" and it made sense to me.

    I've kept tabs on you through your posts, although I haven't gotten the motivation to comment. Thank you for your motivation and congrats on your new member of the family. You are an amazing woman, Shauna!
